• Bridges

    When you lose a tooth, it affects not just the appearance, but the function of your smile. It can be difficult to eat or speak naturally, extra stress is put on your remaining teeth, you’re at greater risk for developing gum disease, your remaining teeth can shift out of position causing bite problems,

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  • Orthodontic Retention

    Getting your braces off is definitely a cause for celebration. You can finally enjoy your new smile after all that work and effort! But getting your braces off isn’t the end of treatment. Once your braces come off, you will enter the retention period of treatment. During the retention period, you will

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  • Inlays and Onlays

    Inlays and onlays are indirect restorations used to repair molars and premolars damaged by decay or trauma. Inlays and onlays fit more securely and last longer than fillings, strengthen compromised teeth, and preserve more natural tooth structure than crowns. An inlay is used to restore the center of

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  • Dental Implants

    If you have recently dealt with an injury or disease that affected your oral health, there are options available to recover the smile you once had. You may even be able to achieve a better smile than the one you had. Dental implants make it possible to renew your smile if you have lost some teeth. There

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  • Tooth Decay Prevention

    What is tooth decay? Tooth decay begins with the Streptococcus mutans bacteria. These bacteria join with food particles and fluids in the mouth to create plaque, a constantly forming biofilm which sticks to the surface of tooth enamel. The bacteria in plaque convert the sugars in our foods into lactic

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  • Root Canal Treatment

    Every tooth has two sections: a crown, the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, and one or more roots, which anchor the teeth within the jaw. Each tooth has three basic layers: an outer layer of hard enamel (which protects the crown) or cementum (which covers the root), a middle layer of softer

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  • Fillings

    The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode tooth enamel, eventually creating a hole, or cavity, in the tooth surface. Left untreated, this decay can spread to the interior of the tooth, and might lead to the need for a crown, a root canal, or even extraction. When caught early, your dentist can

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  • Veneers

    A dental veneer is a thin, durable porcelain shell that is custom-fabricated to cover the front of a tooth. Veneers can restore the appearance of teeth with chips, cracks, and stains, can close small gaps between the teeth, and can reshape misshapen or slightly misaligned teeth. Veneers are a popular

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  • Educational Videos

    Take a few minutes to watch our educational videos and learn more about different dental treatments and procedures. Video topics include general & cosmetic dentistry, Implants, oral health and hygiene, orthodontics and preventative dentistry.

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  • Laser Decay Diagnostics

    Using lasers, dentists can detect tooth decay that is not yet visible and would otherwise be undiagnosed using traditional methods. Laser cavity detection is based on the fact that healthy tooth structure reflects light, or “fluoresces,” differently than does decayed tooth structure. Teeth with decay

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  • Laser Dentistry

    Lasers direct a controlled force of energy that can remove or alter bone and tissue. By applying varying wavelengths of energy, dental lasers are used to detect and treat a myriad of oral health issues, including detecting oral cancer and treating small cavities. There are two different types of dental

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  • Same-Day Crowns

    A tooth that has been structurally damaged by decay or trauma sometimes needs to be crowned or “capped” so that it can look good and function properly again. A crown is a durable covering that is custom-made to fit over the entire tooth from the gum line up. Getting a crown used to mean multiple

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  • Digital X-Rays

    X-rays are one of the most important parts of a dental exam, and can help medical professionals detect problems long before they are visible to the naked eye, including early tooth decay, gum disease, abscesses, and abnormal growths. Benefits of Digital X-rays Easy to obtain Digital X-rays are obtained

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  • Intraoral Camera

    Slightly bigger than a pen, an intraoral camera is an innovative tool that can take up-close pictures of teeth, gums, and other hard-to-reach places in the mouth. Intraoral cameras can help dentists detect dental issues like tooth decay, periodontal disease, and oral cancers. Benefits of using an intraoral

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  • Anesthesia Wand

    The single-tooth anesthesia wand provides increased comfort and decreased anxiety when it comes to dental procedures requiring anesthetization. The wand looks like a small pen with an extremely small needle at the tip. The anesthesia wand works by numbing the individual tooth your dentist needs to work

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  • Cone Beam CT Imaging

    Cone beam CT imaging provides dentists with a three-dimensional view of mouth, jaw, teeth, and nasal cavity. These images contain invaluable clinical information and help reduce the need for invasive procedures, shorten treatment time, and make treatment plans more effective and efficient. With 3D scans,

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  • Air Abrasion

    Air abrasion is a drill-less technique that involves an instrument used to blast away small areas of early onset tooth decay, as well as help dentists perform other dental procedures. It is recommended for children or other patients who are fearful of traditional drilling. Air abrasion can only be used

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  • Digital Dental Impressions

    Dental impressions are bad enough to make anyone avoid the dentist. If you’ve ever needed a crown, bridge, or retainer, then you’ve experienced the discomfort that comes while waiting for the gooey, putty-like material (alginate) to set for a dental impression. Thankfully, there are new ways to obtain

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  • Periodontal Flap Surgery

    Periodontal flap surgery, also known as gum flap surgery, reduces periodontal pockets, which develop below the surface of your gum line in the advanced stages of gum disease. These pockets fill with bacteria, tartar, and plaque, and attack your gum and bone tissue. Periodontal pockets cannot be reached

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  • Periodontal Therapy Procedures

    Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, is a bacterial infection that inflames the soft tissue around your teeth and becomes more severe if left untreated. Over time, gum disease will erode the bone that supports your teeth, leading to tooth mobility and loss. Depending on the

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  • Ultrasonic Cleanings

    Ultrasonic cleaning, also known as ultrasonic scaling, is an alternative to traditional manual methods of removing plaque from your teeth. An ultrasonic cleaning device operates by sending low ultrasonic vibrations in the unit’s hand-held wand, causing the tip to vibrate faster than the speed of sound.

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  • Oral Systemic Connection

    Your mouth is essentially the gateway to your body. Poor or good oral health has a direct impact on your systemic health, and if your systemic health is afflicted by disease, this in turn has an impact on your oral health. It’s vital to evaluate where your oral and systemic health stand, so that you

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  • Periodontal Disease

    Periodontal (gum) disease, also known as periodontitis, is a bacterial infection that inflames the soft tissue around your teeth and becomes more severe if left untreated. Over time, gum disease will erode the bone that supports your teeth, leading to mobility and tooth loss. Gum disease is quite common,

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  • Loose Teeth and Bite Problems

    While a loose baby tooth is perfectly normal, a loose adult tooth is something to be concerned about. Painful and unpleasant, a loose permanent tooth may fall out, need extracting, or cause serious bite problems. This can all be avoided, but it is imperative that you seek professional dental care as

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  • Non-Surgical Periodontal Procedures

    Periodontal disease is an infection of your gum tissue, usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits. If brushing and flossing is not done at least twice a day, and you’re not visiting your dentist for checkups and professional cleanings twice a year, plaque will build up on the teeth and eventually

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  • Cosmetic Gum Surgery

    Cosmetic gum surgery, or gum contouring, can solve a variety of cosmetic issues relating to the proportions of your teeth and your gums. For example, too much gum tissue may make your teeth appear short, while too little gum tissue will make your teeth appear too long. You may also have a combination

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  • Gum Grafting

    If your dentist has detected that your gums have receded substantially, you may be referred to a periodontist for a gum graft. Gum recession occurs when the tissue surrounding each tooth pulls away, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth root. This exposure can cause significant damage to the supporting

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  • Fluoride and Your Child

    Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral essential for proper tooth development. Benefits of fluoride: Strengthens tooth enamel, by capturing minerals in saliva and forcing them into the tooth’s makeup Inhibits bacterial metabolism, slowing down the growth of bacteria and their reducing their acidic

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  • About Pediatric Dentistry

    Pediatric dentistry is the study, practice, teaching, and research of oral care treatments and preventions in children. It is recommended that children visit their pediatric dentist twice a year. Parents should schedule the first visit within six months of their child’s first baby tooth coming in,

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  • Your Child's First Teeth

    Your child’s first tooth is a big developmental milestone, so it’s important for you to know what to expect and how to maintain your child’s teeth when they start coming in. It’s just as vital to take care of baby teeth as it is permanent teeth, even though the baby teeth eventually fall out.

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  • Space Maintainers

    One of the many functions of baby teeth is to hold space for the adult teeth that will eventually push them through. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, the permanent teeth that are coming in on either side can actually drift into the space that was reserved for another tooth. This can cause teeth

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  • Thumb Sucking

    Thumb sucking is a common habit that babies develop before they’re born. While most children naturally stop thumb sucking between the ages of two and four, some children might struggle to break the habit. If your child is still thumb sucking around the age of four, it’s important to help them stop. Thumb

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  • Your Child's First Dental Appointment

    As soon as your child’s first tooth has erupted, which generally happens between six months and a year, you will need to schedule their first appointment with a pediatric dentist. The first visit often involves very little treatment. It is more for the child to meet their dentist, for the dentist to

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  • Sealants

    The most likely location for a cavity to develop in your child's mouth is on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The deep and varied crevices in these teeth make it easy for food particles to hide, and it can be difficult to keep these teeth clean, even with regular brushing. Your child’s dentist

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  • Sleep Apnea in Children

    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by the recurrence of interrupted breathing during sleep and results in a chronic lack of deep, restful sleep. When adults have this disorder, they are likely to experience daytime sleepiness, but when it occurs in children, they are more likely to have behavioral

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